What to Expect
What will be different now that you have braces? The first few days will require the most adjustments as you get used to them, but then from there things will get easier. While our highly-trained, caring orthodontic team will do all they can to make your transition to braces as smooth as possible, you may feel discomfort for a few days after a brace fitting.
It’s also common for children to feel self-conscious at first about having braces. Remind them that braces are a normal part of growing up and nothing to be embarrassed about–especially since the result will be a lifetime with straighter teeth and a beautiful smile!

Adjusting to braces
Advances in orthodontic technology means today’s braces are unlike those from the past. Gone are the days when you got your braces “tightened” and your teeth hurt after each visit. With new gentle memory wires and customized self-ligating brackets, the process is more gradual and your braces will be much more comfortable.
However, there will be a period of adjustment when you first get your braces. First, you will have to get used to the feeling of brackets and wires in your mouth. Luckily, there is bracket wax that you can apply to braces to make the surfaces smooth until your mouth gets used to them. We can provide you with this, or you can purchase some at your local pharmacy.
Dealing with any discomfort
Of course, with braces and brackets, your teeth and gums may be sore when things start to move. This tenderness or discomfort is only temporary and will start to fade as your teeth get used to moving. Eating soft food is advised during this period. If you need pain relief, take acetaminophen (Tylenol) only because all other analgesics slow tooth movement. We promise your mouth will not be sore forever!
If your teeth begin feeling a little loose, don’t worry—this is normal. Your teeth aren’t falling out, it’s simply your teeth moving. The membrane around your teeth loosens as the teeth move. As they settle, this membrane tightens around the teeth again and they won’t feel loose as they stabilize.
If you have any questions about braces or would like to schedule an orthodontic consultation at Epic Dental, please contact us at our Norwood dental office. Our knowledgeable team is here to help!