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Dental Blog

Posted by: Posted on April 6th, 2022
Posted in Uncategorized

Why Yellow Teeth Might Be in Your Future

We brush, we floss, we pay for the expensive teeth-whitening treatment all in the name of keeping our pearly whites just that—pearly white! But, according to science, no matter what we do, yellow teeth may be in our future.

As we grow older, our teeth will yellow. While this could be due to a lifetime of snacks, meals, and drinks that have attempted to harm and wear away enamel, it could also be because of the changing structure in teeth.

As we age, our enamel (the beautiful white coating) thins, and the layer beneath that, the layer of dentin thickens and becomes more noticeable. A lifetime of thinning enamel will reveal the yellowish-brown color of dentin and there is little we can do about it.

Genetically speaking, our teeth will fare differently depending upon the genetic color of our dentin and the thickness of our enamel. If this is not comforting to you, that’s because it shouldn’t be. While it may concern you to see your pearly whites fall to the wayside, just remember to treat the dental issues that thin enamel brings and avoid the foods and drinks that stain the teeth. Healthy oral up-keep over the course of your lifetime is the only way to get a shot at keeping yellow teeth at bay.


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